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Create Tasks from Phone Calls using TwiML: Receive an Incoming Call

We've seen how to create Tasks using the TaskRouter REST API and how to accept a Task Reservation using both the REST API and Assignment Callback instructions. TaskRouter also introduces new TwiML instructions that you can use to create a Task from a Twilio phone call.

Receive an Incoming Call

receive-an-incoming-call page anchor

To receive an incoming phone call, we first need a Twilio phone number. In this example we'll use a US toll-free number, but you can use a Voice capable number from any country.

Before purchasing or setting up the phone number, we need to add on to our server.rb to handle incoming calls:


require 'rubygems'
require 'twilio-ruby'
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
set :port, 8080
# Get your Account Sid and Auth Token from
account_sid = 'AC99ba7b61fbdb6c039698505dea5f044c'
auth_token = '{{ auth_token }}'
workspace_sid = '{{ workspace_sid }}'
workflow_sid = '{{ workflow_sid }}'
client =, auth_token)
post '/assignment_callback' do
# Respond to assignment callbacks with accept instruction
content_type :json
{"instruction": "accept"}.to_json
get '/create-task' do
# Create a task
task = client.taskrouter.workspaces(workspace_sid)
attributes: {
'selected_language' => 'es'
workflow_sid: workflow_sid
get '/accept_reservation' do
# Accept a Reservation
task_sid = params[:task_sid]
reservation_sid = params[:reservation_sid]
reservation = client.taskrouter.workspaces(workspace_sid)
.update(reservation_status: 'accepted')
get '/incoming_call' do
_54 do |r|
r.gather(action: '/enqueue_call', method: 'POST', timeout: 5, num_digits: 1) do |gather|
gather.say(message: 'Para Español oprime el uno.', language: 'es')
gather.say(message: 'For English, please hold or press two.', language: 'en')

You can use the Buy Numbers(link takes you to an external page) section of the Twilio Voice and Messaging web portal to purchase a new phone number, or use an existing Twilio phone number. Open the phone number details page and point the Voice Request URL at your new endpoint:

Set up voice call webhook.

Using any phone, call the Twilio number. You will be prompted to press one for Spanish or two for English. However, when you press a digit, you'll hear an error message. That's because our <Gather> verb is pointing to another endpoint, /enqueue_call, which we haven't implemented yet. In the next step, we'll add the required endpoint and use it to create a new Task based on the language selected by the caller.

Next: Create a Task using Enqueue »

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