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Preset and Auto-Responses in Flex

By Twilio

  • COVID use case
  • Flex
  • Twilio
  • Applications

This plugin allows your agent to quickly send commonly-used text snippets to customer’s messages. This plugin also lets them set a predefined message, the moment they get paired to chat with a customer.

  • Create predefined message sent by the answering agent as soon as they accept a task
  • Build UI below the Chat Input field to enable Agents to select from a list of predefined canned responses
  • Automatically send the selected predefined response as a chat or SMS to the customer 

Step 1:

To get started you will need the following:

- A Twilio account with a Flex environment provisioned. Create your Flex Account

- Flex Plugins CLI installed on your machine

- Twilio CLI installed on your machine

Step 2:

Configure your local environment to use Flex plugins by using the Flex Plugins CLI

twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex@beta
twilio flex:plugins:create plugin-agent-autoresponse --template


Step 3:

Install the dependencies of the plugin. Read more

npm install

Run and test the plugin locally by spinning up a local web-server.

twilio flex:plugins:start

Step 4:

Log into your Flex account via the CLI

twilio login

Visit general usage to learn more about using multiple Flex accounts.

Step 5:

Deploy and enable your plugin for your Flex application

twilio flex:plugins:deploy --major --changelog "Adding plugin-agent-autoresponse via CodeExchange" --description "Deploying plugin-agent-autoresponse via Code Exchange"

twilio flex:plugins:release --name "plugin-agent-autoresponse" --description "Enabling plugin-agent-autoresponse via Code Exchange"--plugin plugin-agent-autoresponse@1.0.0

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